Державне спеціалізоване лісозахисне підприємство
ДСЛП "Харківлісозахист"
An Investigation into the Use of Heat Treatments to Reduce Risk of Dothistroma septosporum Transmission via Seed Stock
Tubby K, Forster J, Mullett M, Needham R, Smith O, Snowden J, McCartan S (2023) Can the Seed Trade Provide a Potential Pathway for the Global Distribution of Foliar Pathogens? An Investigation into the Use of Heat Treatments to Reduce Risk of Dothistroma septosporum Transmission via Seed Stock. Journal of Fungi 9(12), 1190. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof9121190
The international plant trade results in the accidental movement of invasive pests and pathogens, and has contributed significantly to recent range expansion of pathogens including Dothistroma septosporum. Seeds are usually thought to present a lower biosecurity risk than plants, but the importation of Pinus contorta seeds from North America to Britain in the mi
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